HTJ Works Ventura Overdrive demo by Iga Massardi
VENTURA's overdrive is based on the TS808 circuit, but by combining it with a completely different circuit, you can use it in a wide range of tones.
It also has the ability to easily operate several types of circuit modifications (MODs).
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00:00 Single Coil
02:49 Humbucker
Gear used :
Bacchus Handmade T Style Guitar
Epiphone Dot 335
Victory VC35 The Copper Head
Laney Supergroup 30
Suhr Reactive Load
Suhr Reactive Load IR
Apollo Twin MK2
Get Good Drums Zilla Cab IR
#IgaMassardi #Barasuara #HTJworks #overdrivepedal #distortionpedal #bacchusguitars