Time is a funny thing. Elusive. And really sad. If you're able to find the bright side, cup half full part of time ticking away and stealing life and vitality, good for you. I'll sit over here and struggle and pout about it for awhile. So it is that we rarely get to share time in the same space with Joel Korte, founder and brain behind Chase Bliss Audio. A sweet, new dad whose experience seems more and more relatable every time we talk. During Winter NAMM, we had more than a normal amount of time to spend with Joel, his guy Zack and our buddy Knobs. One such night was spent at HIdden House Coffee in little San Juan Capistrano, California. It was a little bit of a drive from Anaheim and its tucked away in one of the oldest neighborhoods in California. With the help of our buddies Pete and Mason and the dudes of Hidden House, we were able to hang out for a solid night, drinking coffee, eating an absorbitant amount of taco ingredients and enjoying everyone's company. We let Joel and Knobs alternate between playing fiddling with various effects including the Chase Bliss Audio Tonal Recall, Spectre, Gravitas, Warped Vinyl, Wombtone, EHX Key 9, Earthquaker Organizer, Old Blood Noise Endeavors Haunt, Procession, Dark Star and the TC Electronic Ditto X2. This is the music that you sit back and reminisce fondly about good times, but feel sad because its all in the past. Oops, I got emo. Take a minute. Listen. and go check out the new Chase Bliss Audio Tonal Recall Delay: http://chaseblissaudio.com/
Or go check out the Knobs demos and be challenged to make better demos: http://www.knobsdemos.com/