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The Hilbish Design Deathimizer King Buzzo Octave Fuzz is no transparent overdrive, amp like distortion, or smooth fuzz - it's a fuzz with ear drum wrecking highs stacked with an analog two octave down circuit for maximum chaos. Don’t expect H9000 tracking, the Deathimizer unpredictably blips, bloops, groans, and drones its way to give you the most brutal noise making machine possible. With the octave control off you have crusty fuzz tones that sound like rusty nails shooting from your speakers, as you mix in the two octave down signal you can conjure 8-bit leads, synth sounds, and unpredictable drones.
Hilbish Design - https://www.hilbishdesign.com/
The Melvins - http://www.themelvins.net/
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Full Review on our website: https://www.pedal-of-the-day.com/2021/07/26/hilbish-design-deathimizer-king-buzzo-octave-fuzz
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Gear used:
Dunable Guitars Cyclops DE Series
Mesa/Boogie Mark Five:25 10/25W Head
Mesa/Boogie Mini Rec Slant Cab 1x12
Celestion V30
se Electronics SE2300 - https://www.seelectronics.com/
Strymon Iridium Amp & IR Cab - https://www.strymon.net/
Current Pedalboard:
29 Pedals EUNA
SolidGoldFX Imperial MkII Fuzz - https://solidgoldfx.com/
Thru-Tone PM-1 Volume Pedal
Dawes Audio rehoused Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
Boss DD-8 Digital Delay (stereo) - https://www.boss.info/global/
Fulltone Supa-Trem2 Tremolo/Autopanner (stereo)
Boss RC-10R Rhythm Loop Station
Peterson StroboStomp HD Tuner
Universal Audio Apollo Twin X Duo Thunderbolt Interface
Video shot in beautiful 4K with an Olympus E-PL10
Email Newsletter Signup: http://eepurl.com/bWZp0T
Thanks for your continued support, and remember, these videos are intended to show off the PEDALS and what they can do, not what a brilliant guitar player I am - there are plenty of shredder videos out there, and besides, I'm really a drummer :)
#pedaloftheday #hilbishdesign #themelvins