I went in snd improved the #casio DM-100 so that I now have seperated outputs for the two keyboards! I will share documentation of this when I have gone in and messed with the clock source as well! Images and such will go up on https://magpiestuff.com.
Super happy with this mod though! Really easy and definitely elevates the capabilities with now being able to do multitrack recordings! I have a plan for a grand finale of sharing a bunch of song starts and we could make a DM-100 album together for magpiepirates?
MAGPIE PEDALS: https://www.magpiepedals.com/
MY MUSIC: https://simonthemagpie.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/750L2JfXfGQuzZaTlvZtnf
PODCAST: http://podcast.magpiepirates.com/
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/magpiestuff
CONTACT: almostviralpodcast@gmail.com
Magpie Pirates
JOIN: https://discord.gg/VHyCCV9
MUSIC: https://magpiepirates.bandcamp.com
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/magpiepirates
WEBSITE: http://www.magpiepirates.com
Background Music Shoutout: