Demo of the Mr. Black Pedals Twin Lazers stereo phaser pedal.
My take:
The Twin Lazers is a totally BONKERS stereo phaser from Mr. Black pedals in Portland, OR. I have an affinity for things made in Portland (I used to live there) so I really wanted to like this pedal, and BOY did it deliver. FIRST: Just a really great sounding phaser. Even if you're using it mono, into one amp, it just has a very cool, very usable sound, even at deeper, six-stage settings. SECOND: The stereo capability is truly mesmerizing. When 2 outputs are plugged in, you can adjust the SHIFT knob to vary the phase between the 2 outputs. This gives you a swim-y, spin-y, super fun mind-bending stereo sound. On top of all that, you can control the parameters via an expression pedal. If I was in a noise rock band, or an experimental / ambient project, this would definitely be an essential element on my board. Go try it for yourself!