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Who could forget the sick saw tooth shaping primitive sounds of old school Atari 2600 consoles? Now, imagine those coming out of your guitar rig, but with a whole lot more intensity and sputtering ugliness. This can give you some idea of the range of the Devi Ever Bit: Legend of Fuzz, but probably not. This fuzz pedal provides some thick and otherworldly primitive fuzz tone that are not replicable by most human guitarists. It appears to be the result of a late night Frankenstein session between a deranged robot from an old C64 computer and a twisted fuzz goddess. Rather than giving you one simple fuzz tone, the Control Knob allows you some shaping possibilities that allows the fuzz to spit, hiss, growl, belch, and generally wreak sonic havoc. Words dont do this one justice, people. Ya gotta hear the mayhem and nastiness of this pedal to believe it. Again, as with other Devi Ever pedals, this is not for someone looking for a traditional fuzz tone. This is for the guitarist or bassist looking to splatter nasty stone age computer audio gunk over the audience, and then have plenty of sonic tricks left to deliver even more intense signals. -