About 3000 years from now, while vacationing in a dark corner of some dark galaxy, Dr. Scientist is going to invent some pretty cool shapes. Squares and triangles, to be exact. (You've maybe already heard of these shapes thanks to a mess-up involving certain time-space... things... but lawyers are involved and we can't say more.)
Dr. Scientist doesn't want to use these wild shapes just for neat looking pizzas though... he wants to make cool sounds with them! Sounds that will get quiet... then loud again... then quiet... then loud... Or maybe even sounds that will start... then stop... then start... then stop... at all kinds of different rates and with a fancy blinking light indicative of the aforementioned rates!
A special team of Dr. Scientist Tremolizers was given the task of harnessing the essences of squares and triangles, and then forcing that essence onto guitar tones. Their mastery of the shapes has culminated in... THE TREMOLESSENCE!
Dr. Scientist knows you've been searching... longing for a really versatile, transparent, and most importantly, noise-free, tremolo effect. One that made all the sounds the cool kids are into. Like gentle swells to full on/off chops. Plucky, piano-like attacks to slow fade-ins, and gated sounds that let almost none to almost all the sound through. One that would let you control the depth of the tremolo effect. One that would go really slow to really fast. One that doesn't have any annoying ticks. And definitely one that doesn't make your guitar signal seem quieter!
From classic to futuristic tremolo sounds with classically futuristic good looks, Dr. Scientist guarantees you'll find the essence of millions of awesome guitar tones inside THE TREMOLESSENCE!