This bad boy is for sale, and will soon be gone. I picked two silicon transistors out of my batch with nice gain ranges. I like to have a little more beef in Q2. I also installed a rotary switch to shade the input capacitor from a beefy 10uf down to .001 uf. Stock Dallas Arbiter is 2.2 uf. Top to bottom its 10, 4.7, 3.3, 2.2, 1, .5, .01, .022, .001. The larger values are very fat, beefy, and fuzzy. The higher values cut much better and provide more of a distortion with almost a cocked wah/treble booster effect. Very versatile to match any guitar and yet it doesn't rob the natural fuzz face tone or cut output like many tone sections. Let me know if you'd like one for yourself! I'd sell a customized one to your door for $70 shipped.