Documenting my 5E3 clone at this point. The Bright channel is stock minus the tone control. At max volume the tone control is actually out of the circuit anyways.
On the Normal Channel I have heavily modified the signal path. The first triode stage has a Marshall Plexi style input stage. I then inserted a Blackface Tone Stack that can be lifted out of the circuit. You can also choose to run the Normal channel in parallel with the Bright channel (as is stock 5E3) or run it in series to cascade the two input stages together.
Much of the information from my modifications came from Rob Robinette's extremely helpful website:
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Explanation of amp and modifications.
1:59 - Bright Channel (Stock 5E3). Pure 5E3 minus its tone control. As the volume is increased the tone control reaches a point where it is not doing anything. At lower settings you may have different results.
3:06 – Rob’s ‘Lead Channel’ in parallel with Bright channel and the tone stack is lifted.
4:44 – Lead channel cascaded into Bright channel. Tone stack lifted.
5:10 – Testing the tone stack in and out. Normal channel. Parallel with Bright channel.
6:42 – Normal channel with the tone stack engaged. Parallel with Bright channel.
Schematic avialable here:
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