Chris Rosser takes us on a sonic world tour with the Slim Phatty and Little Phatty. With Moog's Phatty Tuner software, musicians can retune each note of the octave and compose in scales once available only to players of hard-to-find world instruments. Indian, Chinese and Turkish scales are now easily accessible along with Meantone, Pythagorean, Just and other historic and experimental temperaments.
Available for the Slim Phatty and coming soon for the Little Phatty with OS v3.0, this free download makes experimenting with alternate scales a breeze. Tuning data is easily editable and is displayed as a ratio, frequency and in cents. Scala files ( can be imported and exported for use with other tuning software. An unlimited number of tunings can be saved on your computer and the synthesizer's hardware can store up to thirty-two different tunings; enough to take you around the world and back again.
If your musical explorations actually take you around the world, the Little Phatty and Slim Phatty's convenient size and universal power supplies make them ideal travel partners.
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