Lesson Page: https://texasbluesalley.com/woodshed/free/srv-lenny-chorded-hammer-ons
Podcast: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/free-lesson-friday/id278128925?mt=2&at=10l5Kh&ct=gtvideo
TXBA Locals Test Drive: http://texasbluesalley.com/join-txba/test-drive
In this lesson I'll show you how to play the hammer-ons for that chord that SRV walked up and down the fretboard. This is a little challenging because we have to use our pinky in a way most of us aren't used to, but with a little practice you'll get it. It becomes progressively harder the further down the fretboard you do it, so start high, and work on moving it down as you get it.