You already know our Plek Machine for it's incredible accuracy when it comes to cutting frets and nuts but we've taught it some new tricks! We can now officially re-plane your fretboard to the radius of your choosing with exact perfection! It's crazy how many guitars we have scanned in our machine only to find their radius seriously off from what the manufacturer stats as spec, especially Vintage Guitars. With this new process, we can get your fretboard perfectly playable in every position. If you thought freshly plek-ed frets were as good as it gets, wait til we plane your board to a compound radius, top it with the size frets of your choice, custom carve a new bone nut for it and then Plek the frets! The results are astounding!
Call today to discuss options with one of our techs. George, Chip and Pete are here to make your instruments play better than they ever have! 847.432.6350