I see the vultures are parading all around you. Decapitated, your amazement overcame you. Your haunted image, dirty image is resounding. These changing sand dunes are your heirlooms in this caterpillar state of mind. Live forever fossilized inside a mine, like an iron trilobite. Your sweet disease is a cryogenic freezer filled with meat, and still-life melodies. I see the sun-beams are parading all around you. Invigorated, smiling faces stimulate you. Your burning image, shining image is rejoicing to see the door swing open freely from this captivating cage called life. Live forever fossilized inside a mine, like an iron trilobite. Your sweet disease is a cryogenic freezer filled with meat, and still-life melodies. But, something’s happening, there’s a curse upon the land. Your brand-new pair of boots are buried in the sand. And as your shoeless feet begin to bake upon your broken, kindled dreams, you find a camera and take a photograph to preserve the legacy of crumbling paths that disintegrate with age.... as the memories fade - ever seeking to be buried in the shade, like a nameless castaway...
Written and recorded by Brad Linzy.