A good friend and up and coming electrical engineer friend of mine, Victor Lee, came down to the shred shed recently. We decided to take one of his original songs and put some gain pedals to the test, more for fun than anything else. Hope you enjoy it!
Pedals used:
Wampler Dual Fusion, Tumnus, Sovereign, Mini Ego compressor, Latitude deluxe tremolo
Amp used: Wampler Bravado with 2x12 cabinet loaded with Celestion creamback 65's
Guitar: Suhr, sorry.. I forget which model. By the way... I was *joking* about the Suhr running 10 bucks. They are high end guitars, and one of my favorite brands! (shout out to John Suhr).
No goats were harmed in the making of this.
Victor's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/strings4v/videos
Check out more Wampler stuff @ http://www.wamplerpedals.com. Even better, ask your local store to see if they have them so you can check them out in person.