Co-designed with the revered pedal designer Shin Suzuki, the MXR Shin Juku is designed to capture the incomparable tone of the legendary Dumble Overdrive Special boutique amp. Being that putting your hands on an existing Dumble amplifier might put a five figure hole in your wallet, the MXR seems like a fair shot in the right direction. Shin’s personal knowledge of the Dumble is behind this respectful homage to a highly sought after tone.
Providing an amp-wide-open, creamy and harmonically rich overdrive with sustain for days and a fast touch sensitive response time, letting all of the details of your playing shine through.
From a very organic sounding boost to fat, juicy overdrive.
Type: Overdrive
Control Knobs: Output, Tone, Gain, Dark Switch
Inputs: 1 - 1/4"
Outputs:1 - 1/4"
Power Supply: 9V DC Power Supply Required
Warranty Information: Click Here for Warranty Information
Co-designed with legendary pedal designer Shin Suzuki
The sound of an elusive boutique amp in a small enclosure
Harmonically balanced overdrive with a fast response time
Features true hardwire bypass
Limited Custom Shop run