In this video I do a comparison of various 12" guitar loudspeakers I own. I have grown to believe the speaker is one of the most impactful tonal elements in the chain, so this is a scientific A/B comparison between them. I played a riff into a looper pedal. Then I ran into a Blackface Super Reverb style amp head. I used a semi-open back 1x12 cab and loaded various speakers into the cab, turn the amp on, record the clip with the loop playing. I tried to place the mic in the exact same location each time.
WGS G12C - 1:14
Madison Opus (V30 clone) - 1:49
Weber Michigan - 2:26
WGS Green Beret - 2:59
WGS ET65 - 3:33
Jensen P12R - 4:09
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