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The Official Tone Junkie Bend Sun Profile Pack seeks to capture the sounds of some of the best boutique amps coming out of Portland Oregon. These amps are being heard around the country by artists like Ryan Adams, and Michael Pope of Bethel. Kemper users can now enjoy even more tonal bliss with these beautiful sounding clean, pushed, edge of breakup and overdriven amps captured in 32 profiles.
"+" indicates that a setting was pushed with a KLONE
*The fine print: All amp brands are trademarked by their respective owners and are in no way affilliated with Tone Junkie. You are purchasing a license to use these profiles for your own personal and/or professional use but profiles are not for resale or any other unlicensed distribution, free or compensated. The KPA profiles simply seek to re-create the sound of the amplifiers listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison and descriptive purposes.