NGD!!! Got a new Tele from a kind fellow at TGP. I was so smitten with the noises it was making that I just had to get it on film. Great guitar! I actually just sat down 20 minutes before this with her for the first time. I haven't even restrung her yet! Nitro finish body, 3 saddles, rosewood board, jumbo frets, modern pickups geared for overdrive, satin backed neck. Its just great!
I'm using my Frenzel 5E3 running out of the line out into my interface. Then I am running Guitar Rig 3 and have the Fender Deluxe 2x12 cab alone to give some speaker coloration and a little reverb. I throw a BYOC tubescreamer on the front end towards the end for some hot sauce. I have to say the Frenzel works great for recording, very natural sounding with the speaker sim on the computer and takes pedals really well, better than most amp sims I've tried.
On top of it all Guitar Noize has a great contest with an even better backing track to jam to while I put her through its paces.