The way that the Fender '57 Custom Deluxe amp reacts to different speakers is so impressive - it basically becomes 5 diffent amps with very different tones and playing dynamics. It nails guitar tones like Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Santana, Rolling Stones, Kiss and many more. In this video I'm playing the '57 Deluxe with these 5 speakers:
1960 Jensen P12N (Blues)
1963 Celestion Alnico Blue (T530) (Beatles)
1967 Celestion G12H-25 75Hz (T1217) (Zeppelin, Kiss etc)
1975 Altec Lansing 417-8H Series II (Santana, Stones etc)
1973 JBL D120F (Skynyrd, Thorogood etc)
I'm using a 1973 Gibson Les Paul Custom with a 1977 DiMarzio Super Distortion in the bridge.