$499 https://www.prymaxe.com
The JHS Panther Delay is an Analog delay pedal with all the extra toppings. Besides the Panthers warm analog repeats, it's sports a lot of cool and useful tools under the trunk. An effects loop for adding other effects to your repeats... it's own modulation (speed and depth knobs)... tap tempo... "ratio control" to give you quarter, dotter eighth, eighth and triplet divisions... a "chirp switch" gives you two flavors of analog: one is bright and chirpy like the vintage Boss DM-2 or Way Huge AP-1 while the other is darker and more in the background...Expression pedal ready... and it's all powered by a regular 9 volt adaptor.
Pick up your own JHS Pedals The Panther Analog Delay by giving us a call at 1-855-PRYMAXE or visiting the new home of tone http://www.prymaxevintage.com/jhs-pedals-panther-delay/