“For our next installment of “Women Who Rock VOX,” we met up with legendary singer/songwriter & producer, Linda Perry. At a very young age, she gravitated towards music. She was inspired by Karen Carpenter, whose captivating voice & simple lyrics could make such a poetic and emotional connection to so many. Since being part of the group "The 4 Non-Blondes," Linda has become a well-known producer known for making heartfelt hits for artists such as Adele & Christina Aguilera. She wants young women to know that you don't always have to be the pop-star, you can be behind the scenes and be just as influential to so many.”
Please Also include social links for VOX and Linda Perry:
VOX social media handles:
TWITTER: @Voxamps - https://twitter.com/VOXamps
INSTAGRAM: @voxamplification - https://www.instagram.com/voxamplification/
FACEBOOK: @voxamps - https://www.facebook.com/VOXamps/
Linda Perry Social Media Handles:
TWITTER: @reallindaperry - https://twitter.com/RealLindaPerry
INSTAGRAM: @reallindaperry - https://www.instagram.com/reallindaperry/
FACEBOOK: Looks like she doesn’t have a facebook