I love the Pedal Genie! Wish they'd been around when I was a kid...Hell, I wish they'd had computers when I was a kid! Some folks may not think its a big deal, because they can roll down the street and try out pedals at their local shop...but there are millions of small towns with the future of rock and roll living there, with no music stores nearby to check stuff out....BAM! Pedal Genie! Join, make an account, put pedals on your wish list, and wait for the mail man in the bushes...PG pays the shipping both just pay for your membership, and try as many pedals as you want for as long as you want. You can even buy the pedal if you want.
I used my Gretsch G6136DC White Falcon embraced by my Jodi Head strap of love, the Dr Z Antidote, and of course, the all natural and tasty Divine Noise white and straight coiled cables of bliss. Yep!