This is the official ZVEX Video Demo for our Super Seeker Pedal line. These pedals share the same basic architecture. So rather than create 3 separate videos with much of the same information covered every time, we boiled it down to one video.
The Super Seek Wah, Super Seek Trem, and Super Ringtone are updated and advanced versions of their 8 step predecessors the Seek Wah, Seek Trem, and Ringtone. Here's a list of some of the new features. The Supers have 16 step sequencers (sequences can be any number of steps), MIDI sync, Tap Tempo, Tap Tempo sync, Gobal Glissando, Step to step Glissando, Expression pedal control of Speed or Global Glissando, Eight user memory locations for storing presets, Delta speed control (ramps speed or down), and more!
The Super Seek Wah is a 16 step Sequncer of Wah filters, each of which can individually tuned to create synth like textures.
The Super Seek Trem is a 16 step sequencer of Volume Potentiometers, users can create all manner of rhythmic tremolos, automated swells and such.
The Super Ringtone is a 16 step sequencer of Ring Modulators, each can tuned to create melodies, swooping synth like textures, robot sounds, and general chaos.