What better way to test a pedal's worth than in the field, right? So last weekend (May2, 2010) that's what I did. I stripped my normal pedal board back and loaded it with the entire range of Providence pedals and the AMT Electronics F1 which acted as a direct-to-board Fender clean amp. And it was great! The board weighed 10kg's so that kept the airline happy and our sound guy thought it was bliss due to the pristine sound which he only had to turn up - and no spill!
The audio quality on this one is not the best because it was recorded with the camera's little mic, so I apologise for that. But you'll get the idea. :)
AMT Electronics F1 - http://www.amtelectronics.com
Providence pedals - http://www.providence.jp/providence_e/effect.html
James Reyne - http://www.jamesreyne.com.au
Larry Corsa 'Peter Green' Gibson Les Paul Standard - http://www.cvguitars.com
Camera: John McAll and Bret Chin-Quan