This video clip is the series of Yamaha International Highlight Concert 2021 Selection which is the collection of outstanding performance and/or composition of Yamaha Music School Students worldwide.
Amazing Grace (Traditional Song)
John Newton (1725-1807)
Arr : Kenan Loui Widjaja
Gracia Priscilla Djajaputra -Indonesia
[Comments from the performer]
Amazing Grace is one of the song I learnt in my childhood. My father told me the song and it was actually his favorite, therefore it is always such a pleasure to be able to sing this song. The song told me so many things, including how singing is not just about getting the right notes or being able to improvise, but singing and music are also about grace. About relizing that everything we have and we are able to do is grace. So, I hope you can all enjoy the song and may the grace abundantly filled your heart.
Amazing Grace adalah salah satu lagu pertama yang saya kenal dalam hidup. Ayah saya mengajarkan saya lagu Amazing Grace dan lagu ini adalah salah satu lagu kesukaan ayah saya. Lagu Amazing Grace mengajarkan saya banyak hal, termasuk bagaimana menyanyi bukan hanya sekedar teknik, bagaimana mencapai nada yang tepat atau belajar berimprovisasi, tetapi bahwa music dan menyanyi juga berarti "grace" atau anugrah. Bahwa setiap apa yang kita miliki atau dapat kita lakukan tidak terlepas dari anugrah, Dan karenanya, saya harap kita semua bisa menikmati lagu ini dan biarlah anugrah senantiasa mendiami hati kita.
Yamaha Music Schools Expanding Globally.