Skip to the jam: 10:34
We recently received a comment asking about the fader behavior on the Performance Mixer. As we do lots of demos with driving, percussive dance music, we felt it necessary to do a demo of how smooth the transition is from Mute to Unity with the faders on the mixer.
In this video, Alex takes us through a patch based on slow fades, drones, and the slower sonic textures of his take on an ambient piece. The WMD Performance Mixer is a great piece for any style of music in the modular synthesizer system. Hear each channel individually and then stick around i this video for a nice soothing jam centered around the WMD Performance Mixer.
This patch was focused on using the faders live. I'll make sure to do another one with CV level and panning in the future!
On a very small number of the first batch of units we shipped (years ago, silver version,
serials 0-25 ish), the faders had a cut-to-mute at -30db where if you went to the bottom of the fader, you had a sudden drop of volume to the mute. We quickly fixed this issue on all ourgoing units and even brought every unit that had been shipped back for a factory mod. The faders now have a smooth curve down to -100db and the drop has been eliminated.
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