Transitioning from part to part, making new parts on the fly, and creating new ideas from scratch with a relatively small eurorack system can be a very difficult and almost daunting task at times. A lot of eurorack performances are one idea that starts strong and then kind of fizzles out of energy by the 10 minute mark.
In this video, Alex starts to tackle this issue with some examples tricks, tips, and ideas, to make interesting drops, transitions, and completely new sections of music on the fly in real time on the modular synthesizer.
By no means is this a perfect how to, and the concepts are not easy. Music takes practice and that is a very common word in this video and something we really want to emphasize here at WMD. We are making instruments that need to be practiced. These are just some ideas of things that you can practice to be more prepared for the live set you've got booked next week.
This video focuses on using our Trigger and Gate Sequencer METRON as well as the WMD Arpitecht as the sequencing center of a small, 6U eurorack system.
Do you have any drops or transition tricks to show off? Let us know by sending us an email to or posting a comment right here.
For more information on METRON:
For more information on Arpitecht:
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