The hotel Le Agavi, located a few kilometres from Naples, was founded in the 1960s by lawyer Aldo Capilongo, grandfather of the hotel’s marketing and technology manager Dr Mario Ippolito. Mario and his team have maintained and evolved that tradition, blending his grandparents’ vision with the latest technology to give guests a supremely comfortable experience. This includes high quality background music throughout, brought to customers by Yamaha VXS5, VXS8 and VXS10S loudspeakers, which blend tastefully into the décor. Managed by an MTX3 matrix processor, the system covers the entire hotel and is centrally managed by a bespoke control system on an Apple iPad, running the ProVisionaire Touch Kiosk app.
- Product List -
Speakers: VXS5, VXS8, VXS10S
Power Amplifier: PX3, PX5, XMV8140
Processor: MTX3
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