I recently created a work around that saved me £100 ($120) against buying an alternative pedal with a toe switch. This NEKTAR expression pedal is perfect for modifying so you can switch other equipment. Equivalent units cost starts at £149.00 ($195.00) so this simple mod is worth the effort. The mod takes just 25 minutes to complete!
What you will learn:
Is this difficult to complete?
Is this expression pedal the right choice?
How much does the project cost?
Does it take a long time to complete?
What uses does this pedal have?
Can it switch any guitar gear?
Who makes the expensive expression pedal?
Will this work with a Helix rack?
When I came across a problem that could not be fixed without spending more money on a project I'm working on, I decided to take a look at an expression pedal that I already own. It needed a modification so that it could work and switch with a 'toe switch' but the recommended pedal costs a fortune. Some say that the recommended Mission pedal was obsolete, but it was really expensive for what is generally simple technology.
Using the software selector was unwieldy, ineffective, and also prone to turning off the wah wah at an important point in the guitar playing. Something had to be done.
All it takes is a bit of spare time and parts costing typically less than £5 ($7) to end up with a perfect result. So I decided to make this 'How To' video that might help a number of guitarists or other musicians actually.
But before I did, there was not a single instance that I could find on YouTube anywhere offering this toe switch modification. So I was, as you are, by yourself on this!
But not for long... I have made this video and a simple (very simple) diagram that you can download that shows the connections - and honestly its so simple even I can do it!
This modification could be used for switching anything almost - even an amp channel! But I'm sure you could come up with many uses yourself. Why not post your ideas to the video! It will help others for sure.
I bought this NEKTAR expression with my own money, there is no sponsorship in any way for this video and the only recompense I would gain is peanuts and only if someone watches it!
So come on guys, I paid for everything to help you out!
NEKTAR Pedals: https://nektartech.com/np-1_np-2_nx-p/
My Helix Rack Review & Build: https://youtu.be/HJHCG0k_oTY
Mission Pedals to buy the real deal: https://missionengineering.com/product-category/products/expression/
My simple diagram to mod the NEKTAR: http://www.tonymckenzie.com/pdf/expression-diagram.jpg
(c) A B McKenzie and tonymckenzie.com 1998-2020
All Rights Reserved. All Trade Marks Acknowledged
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#helixrackwah #line6 #toeswitchexpressionpedal