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Andy uses a custom G&L ASAT Special and a handful of fuzz boxes to crank out some Black Keys tunes, taking you deeper into the dirty side of the G&L ASAT Special. - The G&L ASAT Special is perfectly suited for cranking out dirty, old-school blues with a modern spin. G&L's MFD pickups retain their punch and grind even when pushing a fuzz box through a cranked tube amp, and with a lot less noise than your average single coils. Sustain and note definition are further enhanced by G&L's patented saddle-lock bridge. It locks all of the saddles together into one solid mass for sustain and resonance that you just won't get from other vintage-style guitars. Playability is key, and this guitar won't let you down. The satin-finish maple neck allows you to move easily up and down the neck, and a 7.5" radius rosewood fretboard is perfect for classic blues-based riffing. Of course the G&L ASAT Special boasts classic looks as well, with a double-bound Alder body, black finish, and cream pickguard and covers.