Collecting guitars just got expensive. You think you know your guitar values today? Prepare to be very afraid here in 2021.
What you will learn:
Are guitars going up in value?
Are my guitars dropping in value?
Should I sell my guitars?
Can I sell them for a good price?
Does anyone want them?
It can't be that bad can it?
What if I lose too much?
Will they ever go back up?
As a musician and collector of many high value guitars I was shocked at the current values of mine when I recently checked from a respectable source. But if you have not considered the values of your guitars since 2020 then you might well be in for a big surprise... and I don't mean meeting a bear in the woods!
I show you SIX of my prized guitars and value them according to Vintage Guitar prices since 2009 right through to today in 2021. You will be shocked at just how much those 6 guitars are now worth.
To find out how much money I made or lost on these instruments since 2009 watch this video as I take you through the aspects of collecting guitars and the financial repercussions of owning them. But I also discuss the current market in 2021 and where I believe it is going right now. You NEED to know before it's too late.
If you are tight on money, is collecting guitars a 'hobby' that will typically make you money? or is that pass time for the rich kids and maybe you should stay clear.
I am a long time guitarist that also collects guitars and I own some very expensive guitars (or are they?) - some costing near enough $30,000 when at list price and new from top brands, so did I really have 'investments' in these guitars as many makers, dealers and other guitarists or collectors often tell me?
This video series is entirely unsponsored and I purchased every single guitar just as you might have. I sincerely hope that this series of videos can inspire you understand what can happen with guitar collections and the sometimes unpalatable results. But don't assume that these results are just for me:
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(c) A B McKenzie and 2021
All Rights Reserved. All Trade Marks Acknowledged
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