Ibanez FLATV1 Josh Smith Signature AZS Black:
Rewatch our live Ibanez takeover, hosted by Lee Wrathe.
It was an evening filled with interactive demos of the AZS guitars, lots of gear chat, and of course, the main star of the show, the legendary Josh Smith joined us!
00:00:00 - Introduction from Lee Wratthe
00:04:42 - Say hello to the new Ibanez AZS guitars0
00:11:38 - Let's hear them in action
00:50:19 - Hello Josh Smith! How's it going?
00:56:42 - Josh's live gigging rig
00:57:55 - Josh's recording set up#
1:03:20 - Josh's first guitar
1:04:38 - Josh talks about his new Ibanez signature
1:19:00 - The Ibanez Josh Smith Signature in action.
1:25:00 - More chats and jams
1:57:40 - Closing chats! Bye Josh!