Sorry about the bad audio, couldn't get the iPad speaker to work so the headphones were right up to the camera mic, and its very quiet. Still this is mainly to show you:
1) It Works
2) It doesn't sound that good (even if you're listening to headphones directly)
3) In the video I said the built in headphones didn't work. I thought this was down to iPad incompatiblity, but it's actually because these cheap devices from China are missing capacitors:
I should note, the bad sound isn't due to any of the software, I've had that sound great with some of the analog guitar iPad interfaces even.
I have another demo of a USB cable here, it sounded better when playing back a recording on GarageBand, but did not support live monitoring, I'm not sure why:
I also tried the Rocksmith cable here. This sounded the best and supported live monitoring via the speaker and headphones: