We made a signature pedal and this is why.
If you've heard Billy play, you've probably noticed times where a big dreamy wave swirls throughout it all, shifting the room around. That's Wombtone. It's the most distinct and forward use of our pedals that I've ever heard live at a big, packed show. It's surreal.
The thing is, Wombtone has been discontinued for a couple years now. So when I found out that Billy was collecting them, and I watched him play and really heard it there in the middle of it all, we started to think it might be time to give it another life. It's never left my personal pedalboard either.
This is a first for us, we've never made a signature pedal before. But it felt like the right person, for the right reason, at the right time. Billy inspired us and has been such an honest and authentic partner.
So thank you Billy. The big dreamy wave is back for us all to enjoy.
Order and info:
Musical exploration:
The full story:
What's new:
- Envelope control
- Burr Brown op amps on the input stage
- More headroom (+/- 15v)
- Slow mode
Thank you!