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Earthquaker Devices Palisades presented by Mike Hermans.
Throughout pedal history, much ado has been made of the volumes of Tube Screamer modification lore—the mods are almost as old as the pedal themselves. From juiced input capacitors and buffer omission to onboard boosts and every flavor of diode clipping, the roads are well-traveled. Original TS808 engineer Susumu Tamura could not have foreseen the vast amount of knowledge dedicated to his craft, but it's clear that due to the amount of refinement that has occurred in the decades since, the Tube Screamer is one of the effects world's royal circuits. The sound is and has remained timeless for over 40 years, and now Earthquaker Devices has composed the unquestioned reference manual, the yardstick to which all other Tube Screamers can now be measured.