The Flattley wah 2 pedal is a 'flashy' pedal in many ways with hidden features that you find when you plug in. Here Levi Mckenzie reviews this 'wrapped' wah pedal with my help and concludes the overall score and value. Expensive wah costing list at £349.00! (think $449). For that sort of list price (£249 at a show) it should be exceptional... but is it?
We check inside the unit and show the good and less good bits in this review and then play it and compare it to a Jerry Cantrell wah pedal. Lastly we reset up the Flattley pedal for the best we could get out of it and you will hear the difference.
Note that this pedal was purchased and not donated in any way. Flattley claimed we had discount but I was not so sure of that so I mentioned the price a number of times in the video.
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(c) A B Mckenzie and Levi Mckenzie 2018.
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