Please note: this is a working prototype, a proof of concept amplifier. This design is a work in progress and things will change.
The Metro-Plex is based on the tone of my 1968 Superlead played through my 1968 basketweave slant cab loaded with G12M speakers. NOTHING else sounds like this amp. Until now. That tone is the heart of this amp, called PLEXI MODE. Add in a circuit mod and you are in MODDED MODE. Time for a solo, hit the footswitch for BOOST MODE: a high voltage FET boost built into the front of the amp and it has a separate master volume.
Also included in this design is our reknowned Zero Loss FX loop, switchable for pedal level or rack level operation. Foot-switchable.
Variac mode simulates using a variac to operate a plexi at 90V AC.
Switchable for 50 or 100 watts output.
Matching 4-12 and 2-12 cabs designed, loaded and voiced specifically with this amp.
Available starting 2015.