These some juicy pickups, folks. Inspired by (and quite possibly improved upon) the '56 classics, the Impersonator A56's will give you all the thwack, bite, bell-like tones minus the hum. Once you pop them in, you are unlikely to remove them. Indeed, the Gilmour set comprises two of these - middle and neck along with another Kinman classic, the Impersonator Fat 50 in the bridge position. Today, however, you are listening to the Impersonator A56 Pickups in all three positions through a HOOK* amp head (think high-end Plexi), a Greenback loaded quad and some delay and Suhr Riot thrown in here and there. I'm loving these pickups - and NO NOISE!!
*Fractal Audio Systems Axe-FX II XL+ running Quantum 5.