Simon Karlsson and I are playing an amazing 1972ish Laney Klipp 60 through a 1971-1975 Laney Klipp (or Supergroup) 4x12 cabinet with Pre 1975 Goodmans Audiom 12P (not PG). The Klipp channel (that stock is pretty limited) is modded and sounds wonderful, but most of the tones can be achieved by cranking the clean channel as well. These are still relatively affordable, a great bang for the buck. I'm playing an original 1961 Gibson SG Custom (with 3 PAFs) and Simon plays his go-to 1969 Fender Stratocaster. Let's go! ;-)
I’m incorrectly stating that the Kipp fuzz circuit contains transistors/diodes in the in the video. I was informed it’s actually all tube by a viewer, and after taking a look at the schematics the distortion is indeed all tube. A very long standing misconception on my part was cleared out. Thanks for that!