A Fender Stratocaster guitar that has the ability to sustain and drive your amp forever. A closeup review like no other including audio examples.
Since I heard Hendrix back in 1970 at the start of his 'Foxy Lady' at the Isle of Wight I wanted a Fender Stratocaster. The trouble was, I had no money or other means to get one back then. But I never did get that incredible sustain that Hendrix did... until now. The days of screaming Marshall amps and massive cab sections cranked are long gone and often some complain about even 20 watts as being 'too loud'. But there IS a way out of it so you too can create incredible sustain.
While an EBow might help, its far from the result you want because you have to hold that, and then you need to play! But there is an answer out there.
In this review I show you a stock Fender Stratocaster (different neck in my case) that will literally sustain longer than you will ever need. It was originally designed by Fender and Ed O'Brien but I never thought of Ed for even one minute! What came to mind was Hendrix and the Foxy intro. And the great thing is, whether you play clean or flat out driven this guitar will handle it.
You will love it - although you might not think so at first - the sustainer driver pickup is incredible. It's not a veyz sustainer which some might say is inferior to the Fernandez sustainer pickups.
Embedded inside the guitar is a Fernandes Sustainer - not to be confused with the 'Sustainiac' - a similar device for sure, but not fitted to this guitar. You will need to check if you can find one of these Ed O'Brien guitars from Fender as they have been out a while, but I bought this body from thestratosphere.com for £600 plus the tax and bearing in mind it was brand new that was a good deal at least here in the UK.
In this video review I cover many aspects of the guitar and even how to set up and adjust the sustainer pickup unit in the guitar... if you have the slightest interest in a long sustain then this review will help you no end and show you the great benefits that this setup can bring. tony mckenzie
I have spent considerable time creating this video entirely at my own expense:
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