This was recorded in stereo, summing to mono will cancel out the effect.
This is the wiggle wiggle you’ve been looking for! Goes from beautiful chorus to worn out warble in no time. There’s so many sounds packed into this thing, it’s almost hard to describe. It uses two separate LFOs (one periodic and one random). You can use one or the other and anything in between. It’s all analog sound with digitally controlled guts. Ramping…. Tap tempo…. All the good stuff. But the important thing here is the actual sound. I would highly suggest checking this one out. Hope you enjoy!
0:00 Basics w/ Guitar
1:25 Chop/Random/Regen w/Guitar
3:27 EQ w/ Guitar and Fuzz
4:52 FX Loop/Ramp w/Guitar
6:38 Tap w/Synth
8:07 Knob Turning w/Synth
9:48 Chop w/Piano
10:32 Filter Patterns w/ Synth
Fender Stratocaster
Korg Minilogue
Pigtronix Infinity Looper
Demedash Effects T-120 DLX v2 (delay)
Demedash Effects Spidola (fuzz)
Empress Effects Zoia