Gravity Waves a new album freshly recorded. This album is under review including audio. Discussion of some of the gear used per track - you need to watch and listen to this. Each track is different so listen to the whole album... you will like something on there for sure, there's rock, blues, pop rock, classic rock, instrumentals and more.
Later 'The making of the Gravity Waves CD' will show how this music was made and all of the aggro and hoops that were jumped through to end up with this great rock album.
I'll be talking in that video about the gear, the recording, the process and mixing and then on to the really tough stuff. For anyone contemplating on how to make a CD and publish it worldwide 'The Making of' will be an extremely useful 'go to' documentation of how it's all done today.
And I'll be covering issues such as 'duplication' or 'replication', mastering software, production, artwork, CD makers, costs and a whole load of other useful stuff.
On this video Gravity Waves is reviewed, our own work, and because of how this album has been created I'm sure that some of the stories behind the 16 tracks will offer a very good insight in to how we worked to create the result. Creation of the music is in many ways different for many musicians.
And wait until you get to hear the Saxophone :)
If you like this video then hop over to and buy it - support other musicians - and by the time you have seen 'The Making of Gravity Waves CD' you will understand why we ask for support. Visit
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(c) A B Mckenzie and 2016. All Rights Reserved.
All Trade Marks Acknowledged.
#tonymckenzie #alanbruce #rockmusic #gravitywaves