I wanted to show you a guitar that most guys will never even see in their lifetime - its that rare. This is a 1994 Paul Reed Smith Dragon III 3 Number #55. Whats different about this one? It's never been played! Ever! Stored away, but unlike those other guitars we all see called 'closet classics' this one is entirely original and real.
This guitar was bought by a PRS employee at the time and he saved it until he was ready to retire. He did not play guitar. So eventually I got it for collection purposes only because it was never played and it seemed like a good idea at the time :-)
So here it is, close up and personal - a full frontal, if you will. But wait... there's one last thing... it does not get played on this video. But that's no problem if you would like to see one of these really close with some descriptions etc. This really negates 'Private Stock' somewhat and is easily comparable with the 'collectors' editions that PRS is currently pumping out for extremely high money. PRS only made 100 pieces of this guitar and will never make any more.
Remember that my website - http://www.tonymckenzie.com has many more reviews than on YouTube so check it all out - and my views are unbiased - I even buy every piece of equipment so that I am just like you.
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This video is (c) tonymckenzie.com and A B Mckenzie 2012.
All Rights Reserved. All Trade Marks Acknowledged.
Please do not copy this video.
#prs #guitar #dragon #tonymcklenzie